
Children safely cared for

Studying with a child? We can help you cope with the balancing act. We can actively help parents who study with our four day care centres for children with a total of more than 120 childcare places. In our centres Tausendfüßler and Chamäleon as well as in the emergency group Zwergenstübchen, we offer children of students, of parents who are not students as well children of the staff of the tertiary institutions flexible and qualified childcare that is near the campus. We base our allocation of places solely on social criteria.

The child care centre 'Kita Tausendfüssler‘ has been awarded quality certification according to KESS  in line with its pedagogical concept, with the Kindergarten Quality Certificate of the organisation ‘PädQuis’. The second facility, 'Kita Chamäleon‘ is working towards certification, and the third child care facility provides emergency child care on a flexible basis and for this reason, the certification is not appropriate and is therefore not planned.